Distinctive Human Resources & PHR Exam Prep offers the most extensive certification prep program on the market today for the active HR professional. The comprehensive range of learning tools we offer includes study manuals, audio files, flash cards, sample tests, online videos, and training games.
Why choose PHR Exam Prep? Because your success is our mission. With flexible online learning options, detailed progress tracking, and personalized study plans, we make exam preparation manageable and effective—even with a busy schedule. Join thousands of successful HR professionals who have leveraged PHR Exam Prep to achieve their certification goals. Start your journey today and take the next step toward becoming a recognized leader in human resources.
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“I sat for the SPHR exam today and PASSED! It was my first attempt and his course made the all the difference in the world. I know if I didn’t have access to this course – I don’t believe I would have passed. The questions he has compiled were very similar in nature and tone to what was on my test. The videos were spot on with the information and the bonus was being entertained while learning. A giggle between the tears so to speak. Thank you!”
- Marianne Quinn
Lynn, I wanted to write a quick thank you to your company for your study games, practice tests and troublesome topic videos. I took the SPHR this weekend and passed. I truly feel that the competitive edge was having the Distinctive Human Resources materials along with the HRCI study books made all the difference.
- Laurie Ledonne
I just thought I would touch base with you this afternoon to say thank you! I ordered the CD set several months ago to assist me with my PHR test. One of the CD’s was scratched so you replaced it at no charge, then I sent you several questions regarding the full education packet. Your customer service has been amazing and with everyone’s help at Distinctive HR I passed my test this morning! Thank you for all you do and did everyday to help me achieve this goal!
- Stephanie Biffle
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Our materials are consistently reviewed and updated to reflect content we feel is most likely to be reflected in the current or upcoming exam.